Функциональное программирование

You are pleased by your

(defclass thing () ((weight :initform ’(0 kg) :accessor weightof :initarg :weight))) (defclass animal (thing) ((specie :accessor specieof :initarg :spec) (sex :accessor sexof :initform ’m :initarg :sex))) (defclass possession (thing) ((owner :accessor ownerof :initform ’nnn) (cost :accessor costof :initform ’(0 bucks) :initarg :cost)) ) (defclass person (animal) ((specie :initform ’human) (name :initarg :thename :accessor nameof))) (defclass pet (animal possession) ((nick :initarg :thenick :accessor nickof) (specie :initform ’cat)))
(defmethod act :before ((p pet)) (print "Cat mews")) (defmethod act :after ((p pet)) (print "Cat turns")) (defmethod act :around ((p pet)) (progn (print "You have a cat") (call-next-method)))
(defmethod act ((p animal)) (progn (print "Animal is close to you") (call-next-method))) (defmethod act :before ((p animal)) (print "You see an animal")) (defmethod act :after ((p animal)) (print "You send the animal off")) (defmethod act :around ((p animal)) (progn (print "You don’t like wild animals") (call-next-method)))
(defmethod act ((p possession)) (progn (print "You test your property") (call-next-method))) (defmethod act :before ((p possession)) (print "You see your property")) (defmethod act :after ((p possession)) (print " You are pleased by your property")) (defmethod act :around ((p possession)) (progn (print "You admire your property if it is in good state") (call-next-method)))
(defmethod act ((p thing)) (print "You take the thing")) (defmethod act :before ((p thing)) (print "You see something")) (defmethod act :after ((p thing)) (print "You identified this thing")) (defmethod act :around ((p thing)) (progn (print "You are not interested in strange things") (call-next-method)))
(act (make-instance ’pet :thenick "Viola" :cost ’(25 kop)))
Листинг 8.6.1. Взаимодействие дополнительных спецификаций методов в CLOS с упорядочением типов классов
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